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Are you looking for a coffee that not only tastes great but also provides health benefits? Look no further than Adaptogenic Organic Coffee Infused with Mushrooms and Ashwaganda! This coffee is made with organic instant coffee, adaptogenic mushroom extracts, and ashwaganda root extract. Each bag contains 30 cups of coffee.

Ashwaganda is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also known to boost brain function, lower blood sugar levels, and reduce inflammation 1.

This coffee is perfect for those who want to start their day with a healthy boost. The adaptogenic mushrooms and ashwaganda root extract in this coffee can help reduce the effects of stress on your body and promote normal functioning during times of stress.

What are adaptogenic mushrooms? They are mushrooms that may help reduce the effects of stress on your body. Some people use them as herbal health products. Adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, and chemical stress, help promote normal functioning during times of stress, and protect against stress-related damage 1.

Order your bag of Adaptogenic Organic Coffee Infused with Mushrooms and Ashwaganda today and start your day off right!